Easter Celebration : Let’s Pray For The Resurrection of Nigeria, Says Hon. Nasir Onujabe

*In the beginning it was the word and in the end it was the word” – Biblical Quotes.*

With humility, respect and the spirit of celebration, I humbly rejoice with our christian brothers and sisters and the world over for this auspicious time of Easter festival, which marked the resurrection of “JESUS CHRIST” to prove the supremacy of God over mankind.

Jesus Christ in his life preaches love, peace and care for the vulnerable; why salvation was his key words to the disciples in the worship of the Lord as he de emphasized the love for material things, which he referred to as Vanity upon Vanity.

Christendom should be family of one love, living far and above primordial sentiments and sees everyone as brethren irrespective of their religion affiliations in connecting to His Holiness (God).

Jesus Christ resurrected to give hope to existence of living and continuity of evangelism by winning more souls to the kingdom of God (the Father).

In view of the above, I cordially implore our christian fellows to use this Easter festive period to emulate the good virtues of Jesus Christ in extending their hands of love, peace to the society for harmonious living and peaceful religious practices.

I pray that whatever might have died in our blessings will resurrect to give us life and hope for eternity. Resurrection is hope, therefore, let’s pray for the resurrection of Nigeria for the hope of our children’s generations to come.

I wish you all more celebration in peace. CONGRATULATIONS!!!

The Goodwill Message To christians was sent by Dr Nasir Onujabe and edited by Goodluck Ikiebe.

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